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Honey possesses anti-bacterial properties which prevent infections by killing germs and keeps your skin moisturized and nourished. Honey is an effective remedy for eczema, acne and other skin infections.

Lemon Peel
Not only the juice of the Lemon fruit contains magical powers for total wellness, but even the peel is also miraculous. The oil extracted from the peel is extensively used for skin, dental and hair treatment.

Gulab Phool
Since ages, the king of flowers-Roses symbolizes love and admiration. Roses are primarily used for decoration and no religious functions are complete without a bunch of these amazing flowers.

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera help to control and reduce acne-causing bacteria on your skin. Daily uses of Aloe Vera gel helps to reduce acne, blemishes, pigmentation and lighten acne scars.