Basic Skincare Routine for Everyone

basic skin care routine

In this topic, we discuss the Basic Skin Care Routine for everyone. The skin is the largest organ of the body and it receives about one-third of the blood that circulates in the body. The skin can regenerate and repair itself. The skin gives protection, regulates the temperature of the body, allows you to feel sensation, and allows secretion. Thus …

How to Get Rid of Uneven Skin Tone

Uneven Skin Tone

There is no one definition of beauty, so everyone has understood beauty according to their own. Some like dark skin color, some dark skin tone, some like light skin color. While people often take sunbaths to get a dark complexion, some use products available in the market to clear the complexion. If you are also troubled by uneven skin tone …

काले घेरों को दूर करने के घरेलू उपचार

क्या आप के नेत्रो के नीचे काले घेरों से चिंतित है ? क्या यह काले घेरे आप की सुंदरता में बाधा बन रहे है ? विश्वास किजिए आप ऐसे अनगिनत लोगों में से एक है जो इस समस्या से चिंतित है. आप कदाचित उन लाखो लोगों में से एक है जिन्हों ने इस समस्या के उपचार स्वरुप अनेक उपाय आजमाए …

Skin Care Tips for the winters

Winter is here; time to put away your summer items and make room for winter; get out your long sleeves shirts and T-shirts, your corduroy pants and boots. But keep your sunscreen, sunglasses and hats handy. If you think the cold and the snow will keep at harms length from the UV rays you are wrong; you can still get …

More Ingredients in Fair Look

Fair Look

Fair Look is an Ayurvedic formulation to enhance your skin tone and give it a clear and fairer look. Here are some more ingredients in Fair Look. Aloe Gel Aloe Vera has cooling and anti-inflammatory properties. It provides the skin with a protective layer which helps in retaining moisture. Rich in anti-oxidants it heals the skin quickly and is perfect …


Does Fairlook Lotion Really Work?

Fair look

Nowadays a large variety of beauty creams and lotions are available in the market. It is quite difficult for everyone to find the right one that suits their skin. Fairness cream companies claim that they will give you instant fairness, but it is the biggest bluff. The components used in these fairness creams are most likely toxic and very harmful …